5 Morning Meeting Ideas to Keep Content Fresh & Engaging

When facilitating Morning Meeting with your students it is important to make each day exciting, inviting, and meaningful. I am sharing morning meeting ideas to ensure that your circle time will be full of special moments that your students look forward to each and every day!
Morning Meeting Ideas
- Repeat students’ favorite games and greetings and change small details such as the animal or the phrase to be seasonally relevant
- Let students lead meetings and choose the greetings & activities
- Students will constantly be excited by having a new person lead the meetings! Students can facilitate as in announce the parts for the meeting or they can plan it themselves and facilitate it. Either way it gives students ownership and buy in to the meetings each day!
- Use the morning message to ask for feedback on types of greetings and activities that students like best or least. Then utilize this knowledge to plan more engaging, effective meetings for your specific group of students. Consistently reflect on your morning meeting ideas to ensure they align with your students’ interests and personality as you get to know them better.
- Pre- schedule your morning meeting content so you can make sure that you are not repeating content too frequently. I have 40 weeks planned out for you already to make it easier!
- Let students free share during the sharing time. The open ended nature of the free share keeps the sharing component new, exciting, and different everyday!
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I hope that these tips help you to plan effective and meaningful Morning Meetings for your students each and every day!