How to Pick the Perfect Morning Meeting Greeting

How do you greet your family in the morning? How about your coworkers? Does how they greet you influence your mood at all? I know that when I get my baby boy out of his crib in the morning and he gives me a big tight hug, I am instantly in a happy mood! How students are greeted most definitely impacts how they feel about being at school that day and how they will approach their learning. So let’s make sure we pick out the perfect morning meeting greeting to start off their day!
When planning morning meeting there are so many aspects to keep in mind! It is important to consider the personality of your class, the time frame you have available, what social emotional skill you would like to practice, and what fits the mood of your classroom that day. That last one is the hardest!
I have morning meeting preplanned for the entire year and then each year I make adjustments as needed. For example, if we have a new student join our class, then I make sure to pick a greeting where students are introducing their name. It is helpful to consider the morning meeting greeting categories when making these changes.
Morning Meeting Greeting Categories
- Share about themselves
- Share their name
- Movement in spot
- Moving across the circle
- Passing, rolling, or throwing object
- Touching- holding hands or tapping
- Out of circle order
- 4 corners
- Educational
- Partner
A morning meeting greeting can fit in more than one category. This is helpful to think about if you definitely do not want students to go in circle order that day or their self control cannot handle throwing objects across the circle. Click the button or picture below to get the 9 FREE morning meeting greetings- one for each category!

I hope that this helps you get started adapting your morning meetings to fit your students needs! Read about Morning Meeting Activities by category here!