The Best Mouse Board Books For Kids
Before I had kids I did not think mouse board books would be the first thing I reach for on my shelf, but they are! Mice are depicted as so sweet, snuggly, and loving these books have easily become our favorites to share with our children. So naturally, they are also my favorite to gift!
Whether you are looking for mouse board books because
- You’re giving a book buddy gift of a mouse snuggler with a book
- You’re gifting a book to a mouse lover
- You’re teaching a lesson or doing an activity about mice
- You like mice yourself and want to share the joy
- You are teaching about the letter M or the ou sound and want to explore mouse as an example
you’re in the right place!
I have compiled a list of mouse board books books that my kids have loved reading together over and over!

Tips for reading with small children
- sit in a comfy spot or lay out a special blanket to sit on together
- let them be in charge or turning the pages even if that means not getting to finish all the words on the page
- point out things in the pictures
- model thinking about the story “aw, peter must feel sad that he lost his toy”
- make connections to their life “This birthday cake reminds me of the birthday cake we had for Aunt Sally last month!”
- notice feelings and emotions- point out facial expressions of characters, talk about how you would feel if that happened to you
- make reading a fun exciting part of the day not just for bedtime, make storytime a daily activity
- mix up the type of book →educational, animal, magical, holiday, etc.
- find a toy or stuffed animal that resembles a character in the book, hold them to look at or act out the story as you read

Mouse Board Books
This sweet story follows a little mouse through his bedtime routine. He tells his mom each of his worries and she helps him imagine fun adventures to dream about as he snuggles into bed to fall asleep.

Discover the magic of mixing colors to make new colors with these silly mice! This series also has books about counting and shapes!
Explore the sounds, smells, and beauty of spring with this immersive book! Perfect for babies born in springtime. There are also fall, winter, and summer versions!

Lilly is a classic character that children love to laugh with, pretend to be, and read over and over! Lilly learns powerful lessons at school about sharing and patience.
After being teased about her name, Chrysanthemum goes on a journey to learn to celebrate and appreciate what makes you unique!
The beautiful words and adorable illustrations are the perfect way to introduce and teach kids about seasons!
Are you thinking, “what this isn’t a mouse book!” Well it secretly is!! Do you know that every colored page has a hidden little white mouse. Little readers love searching for the mouse as they listen to this classic bedtime tale.
Lift the board book flaps as you read the story of a mama mouse and her baby mice exploring the garden. This peaceful fun story will be enjoyed over and over!
Beginning readers to big kids all LOVE this story! Follow along as each thing the mouse does or sees reminds him of something else he wants to do next! The tale leads you full circle to him wanting another cookie. This series has many versions, all amazing!
Are board books worth it to buy?
When I was a new parent I always thought oh no a board book they are only going to read those as babies!! FALSE. My 4 year still picks board books for bedtime most nights.
Board books do not HAVE to mean a babyish book. Often traditional picture book stories are put into board books for little hands to hold while enjoying the story. So even though the child gets older, they can still enjoy the story and they don’t care if the pages are stiff verse soft!
Why do babies need books?
Babies are looking for ways to interact with the wonderful people around them! Reading together exposes them to communication and TONS of words.
Many children books are written to expose kids to important concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way. It is a great way to practice these and start associations.
Reading with children also builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills.
Stories can help your child get to know sounds, words and language, and begin early development of literacy skills. introduce your child to the value of books and stories.
Books can be mirrors or windows. This means that they can reflect experiences similar to the readers’ life like a mirror or they can be a window into the unknown and expose them to something new and exciting. Reading together gives children information to explore and understand the world around them.

Looking for books on other topics? Check out these amazing lists of book gift ideas!
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